The 7 best uses of lemon to be beautiful

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Lemon, this essential ingredient and with multiple uses. For its taste, its medicinal properties or its virtues in terms of beauty, lemon is a popular food! Thanks to its antioxidant, vitamin C and other components, it helps regulate acidity in the stomach and promotes the elimination of fat. It is also a powerful astringent and disinfectant, able to lighten the skin but also the hair. Discover the best beauty uses of lemon.
Skin, hair and nails, lemon is good for all three! Here are 7 uses of this citrus for natural beauty treatments:
1 – Natural deodorant:
Lemon can take care of your armpits. Thanks to its citric acid content and its antibacterial properties, lemon can act as a natural deodorant by killing the bacteria responsible for bad odors.
This ingredient is also effective at lightening brown spots that form in this area. To do this, simply mix lemon juice, oatmeal and honey to obtain a paste to apply to the affected areas.
2 – Get rid of blackheads:
Lemon is effective against blackheads, since it helps eliminate toxins while purifying the skin. Antibacterial and antioxidant, this citrus cleanses the skin deeply and helps eliminate excess sebum that can cause blackheads and pimples on the skin of the face.
To eliminate blackheads, rub a slice of lemon on your face and leave on for 10 minutes. Then rinse and dry.
Warning: The lemon is photosensitizing, so it is important not to expose yourself to the sun when you apply it. The ideal is to do this trick at night.
3 – Lighten the hair:
The use of lemon as a lightening agent for the skin or hair is well known. Why opt for chemical stains when you can lighten your hair naturally with lemon!
Apply lemon juice to your hair and expose it to the sun. Following contact with the sun, the lemon will help lighten your hair, giving it golden highlights.
Repeat this trick once a week for best results.
4 – Hydrate the lips:
The use of some cosmetic products on the lips can make them dry and chapped. To remedy this, opt for the natural tips: the lemon. Apply a little lemon juice to your lips before sleeping to moisturize them. Lemon is rich in vitamins and minerals that will nourish your lips.
5 – Lighten and strengthen the nails:
Due to a lack of vitamins or calcium or the regular use of chemicals, nails can turn yellow and become brittle. To whiten them and make them stronger, use the lemon.
Mix 2 tablespoons olive oil and a little lemon juice and apply the preparation on your nails. The lemon, rich in nutrients, will strengthen your nails and eliminate stains.
6 – Reduce stains:
The spots on the skin can be the result of a bad diet, a disease, exposure to the sun or acne. These small imperfections alter the appearance of the skin, but are not impossible to eliminate.
Lemon, in particular, is an important ally to get rid of it. Just apply lemon juice to the affected areas and leave on for 15 minutes. After this time, you can rinse your face with cold water. The citric acid contained in lemon acts as a natural lightener and will therefore reduce stains.
Recall that it is recommended to do this trick in the evening, because the lemon is photosensitizing and you should always use a moisturizer after a lemon treatment.
7 – Attenuate the color of dark circles:
Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, lemon gives skin its radiance and helps reduce dark circles.
Dip two pieces of cotton in lemon juice and apply on dark circles. Let stand for 10 minutes, then rinse. It is recommended to repeat this tip twice a week.
It is also possible to add olive oil to lemon juice to moisturize the skin under the eyes.

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